One of the key demands in our General Election Manifesto is for the next Government to make the availability of high quality care a priority for all patients. We believe there are several ways to achieve this.  

Health inequalities

The disparities in health care access and outcomes are stark, particularly for marginalised communities. Any new strategy must prioritise addressing these inequalities. This means making concerted efforts to reach those experiencing poverty, co-morbidities, learning disabilities, and members of ethnic minorities who often face additional barriers to accessing care. 

By placing these communities at the heart of a new healthcare strategy, we can all work towards a more equitable system that serves every patient effectively.

Recovery plans

Strategies such as the elective care and primary recovery plans would work well in their entirety, but some commitments have already been scaled back. The next Government must commit to funding and delivering the existing pandemic recovery plans in full. These plans should serve as a foundation in helping more patients access the care they need.

Ambitious strategy

We want to see the next Government develop an ambitious strategy for the NHS and social care. The starting point for this must be patients’ needs and priorities, rather than those of the system. Patients and carers must play a role in the development of this new strategy.

Patient partnership

We want to see the introduction of a requirement that all new services and care pathways are developed in partnership with patients. Patients should have confidence that the services they rely on have been designed with their input so that they are developed to genuinely meet their needs. 

A collaborative approach that will ensure services are fit for purpose and responsive to the real-world needs of patients. When patients are involved in the design and implementation of their care, it fosters a sense of ownership and trust, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

National priority

The next Government must elevate the availability and quality of care to a national priority. By fully committing to post-pandemic recovery plans, developing patient-centric strategies, addressing health inequalities, mandating co-production, championing patient partnership and integrating health and social care, we can build a healthcare system that truly serves all patients. 

Let us seize this election as the moment to transform our health and care systems, ensuring every patient can access the quality care that they need and deserve.

Read our manifesto