Our latest report analyses the opinions and experiences of more than 1,200 patients from across the UK and what their priorities for healthcare are for the new Government.

Immediately after the election, the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Wes Streeting said the NHS was broken. The responses to our survey provide evidence that this is the case.

With a combination of data and comments from patients, this report paints a picture of a health and care system that is failing to meet the needs of patients.

Respondents’ priorities for healthcare include more funding for the NHS, better access to primary care services, and better training and recruitment of healthcare professionals, as well as the need for the new Government to prioritise a health-in-all policies approach to healthcare.

Read Beyond the breaking point: patient survey highlights NHS challenges.

Read the press release.

Download infographics showing patients' experiences and patients' priorities for the new Government.

Methodology and the full dataset are also available.