This week we launched our report, Beyond the breaking point: patient survey highlights NHS challenges, and used its insights to write to both the new Prime Minister, and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

We congratulated Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister, in our letter and reminded him that with the winning mandate from the electorate, he has a responsibility to deliver on promises made by Labour during the election campaign.

In our letter to the Secretary of State, Wes Streeting, we welcomed his honesty about the crisis in the NHS, offered to work in partnership with him and his team to reverse the crisis, and shared the findings from the survey, along with patients' key priorities for health and care. 

Following the Secretary of State's announcement that he has asked The Rt Hon the Lord Darzi of Denham OM KBE to conduct a rapid assessment of the NHS in England, we've written to Lord Darzi too. 

We have offered to share the wealth of data we have on patients' and carers' experiences, and asked him to ensure he partners with patients as part of the assessment. It essential that any assessment of services involves patients.